Even though we differ in several ways I have always somehow felt a connection to Hemingway, not as a writer, but as a person. I do know he dealth with some dark times and depression (and without the help of modern medicine I might add). For some reason the algorithms keep pulling up quotes by […]
Being Broken but Keeping On…
Ernest Hemingway once wrote: The hardest lesson I have had to learn as an adult is the relentless need to keep going, no matter how broken I feel inside. This truth is raw, unfiltered, and painfully universal. Life doesn’t stop when we are exhausted, when our hearts are shattered, or when our spirits feel threadbare. It keeps moving—unyielding, indifferent—demanding that we keep pace. There is no pause button for grief, no intermission for healing, no moment where the world gently steps aside and allows us to mend. Life expects us to carry our burdens in silence, to push forward despite the weight of all we carry inside.
BlueDB Project Plan: Innovating Neurodiverse Support Services
I started storyboarding this project last year and pitched it to a few friends who crossover both the technical world as well as having family or friends connected to the neurodiverse community. I do not want to go into too much detail so as to not give away my idea, but a broad overview would be a web service that provides valuable, curated, detailed information about a child (or adult) on demand for many applications (police, ambulance, medical, emergency, etc.
It’s Been a Really Hard Year…
This year has been really hard for me. There’s been mornings I wasn’t sure I wanted to keep going and a lot of nights that I’ve been exhausted but couldn’t rest. I put on a pretty good front. Only a handful of people have known about this until now.
You Should Always Want to be the Adversary
It’s unfortunate that some people struggle because they can’t let things go and continue to carry anger and resentment. The truth is that they’ve probably never experienced true peace before, and that’s the really sad part. This is why that when they are presented an opportunity by their adversary to have closure in a situation they fail to realize the importance of that moment. Even when faced w/ continued anxiety and emotional toll, they are unable to accept an alternative of peace.
Uncomfortable Lessons to Learn
I ran across this motivational meme the other day and thought it was really good information. In fact, I printed it out and put it on my personal corner of my office whiteboard so I could reflect upon it a couple of times a day.
Navigating the Seasons of Life
As we go through life we go from season to season. These seasons are not like what you think in the traditional sense, they are just encapsulated periods of time where you have a specific circle of friends, live in a different city or have a career in a particular industry for a period of time, etc. Some seasons are definitely better than others. Enjoy the good ones… hurry through the bad ones…
The Importance of a Support System: Why We All Need People in Our Corners
Having a close-knit group of supporters provides comfort and empowerment in tough times. We often take this support for granted until we find ourselves alone, realizing too late the importance of these relationships. Everyone, regardless of who they are, needs people standing in their corner.
“A Pirate Looks at 50” …and other Random Thoughts on My 50th Birthday!
“One minute you are young and cool, maybe even a little dangerous, and the next minute you are reading amazon reviews for birdseed.” I’ve always tried to be as transparent as possible when I share things here because the goal for me the past decade or so has been to leave behind a collection of […]
Product Liquidation: Biosentry® 904 Disinfectant
Biosentry 904 Disinfectant Label (PDF) Biosentry 904 Disinfectant SDS (PDF) Make us a deal… Our firm has been retained for assistance in liquidating their inventory position on a popular disinfectant, Biosentry® 904. This product is widely used in the poultry, swine, farm, and veterinary industries and is available from multiple vendors that service these industries. […]
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