A while back I blogged about having a large tech conference in central Arkansas, later I was asked to write an article for the Arkansas Times regarding my idea for a large tech conference in central Arkansas, you can read my post about the idea here, and my Arkansas Times article here. The article in the Times resulted in several phone calls from groups and organizations wishing to extend their support to the idea, one of those organizations was the Conway Area Chamber of Commerce / Conway Convention & Visitors Bureau.
Later this month we are having our first planning meeting to hash out this idea and put a game plan in action, if you are interested in being a part of our steering committee for this idea, please drop me a comment below and we will get your name added to the list. We want as much input from around the state that we can get, we want this to be a one of a kind tech event that will have an enormous impact on the state.
Also, you don’t have to be on the steering committee to have a role in this event, we would love to hear your suggestions regarding the name for this event. You can submit your name ideas via our wufoo form here, my personal favorite name suggestion came from Arlton, “South Central Interactive”.
Also, please feel free to drop your ideas / thoughts regarding this tech conference in the comment section below…
No offense Arlton, but “South Central” makes me think Pine Bluff, and not because it’s the ghetto. It’s just south of central Arkansas. And count me in to help somehow.
Lol, how do you really feel about it Amy? Just kidding. I was kind of with Arlton on that name but now that you have called it Ghetto I can sort of see where you are coming from. Do you have any name suggestions?
I agree – there’s something about “South Central” that doesnt sit well with me. How about “Central Interactive”, or “CentralConf”?
I really like the idea of “central” being in the name because if you think about it, we are ideally located in the central part of the country. This has a lot of advantages logistically, I feel like we could draw from several neighboring states on drive-ins and carpools, and we definitely have the food/lodging in Conway to accommodate them.
These are some really good points. I agree, the word “Central” should be part of the name. I really like the prospect of pulling people from surrounding states.
Me too! Not only that, given the whole culture of Conway, I think it could make an impact on startups looking for a place to plant their operations.
Actually Arlton and I were just talking on Skype and we both like “Central Interactive”, let’s see what everyone else comes up with but that’s on my short-list.
Let me think about it Cotton and see if I have an epiphany moment. It happens sometimes! LOL Hope you are doing better.
Thanks man, doing a lot better! Yeah, put on your thinking cap of creativity and help us come up w/ something.
I think it’s a great idea! Any event or venture to help get people involved in local tech, collaboration, and forward thinking is a good thing and very much needed. Just let me know if there’s anything I could do to help and I’ll be glad to.
Awesome, thanks Michael. Yeah, this event has the potential to benefit the entire state. We will definitely keep you posted.
That’s great! Best of luck w/ it, Cotton!
Domains available:
I kind of dig “Centered Interactive”
I do too but centeredwiredconnected could make for a cool logo.
Agreed. Would you be available later this month to come down for our planning / steering committee meeting? We need your input big time.
Yes, I agree. Amy, it would be great if you were to attend our meeting at the end of the month.
Depends on when it is. Let me know.
I think it’s scheduled for Monday, March 28th at the chamber of commerce around lunch.
Me too.
And any of you goobs can go buy one of those right now because I’m too lazy to get my wallet. Just know that if you use one of those and don’t give credit to me by at least sending good vibes out into the universe, you will pay.
Lol, mad props forever & ever! Never be on the receiving end of the b-hole! 🙂
Cotton- What day is the planning meeting? Is it the usual time at the flying saucer or?????
Actually we will be meeting here in Conway on Monday, March 28th. As soon as I know the details on the time / location I will post them.
I’d like to help out. If the meeting is during the day, I can likely attend.
“InterArktive” 😉
I think we are planning on doing a working lunch type of thing. Will let you know once I find out some more info.
Awesome, as soon as I know more about the meeting I will post an update to this post.
@cotton I would love to be on the steering committee. I just got back from sxsw and highly motivated to bring something similar here!
Awesome, we would love to have your input. As of right now the steering committee / planning meeting is scheduled for Monday the 28th, but we aren’t for sure on the location just yet. I will be posting the time / location as soon as we have that hammered out.
Perfect! March 28th is my bday, so everyone better bring a good idea as my gift! 😉
We will all do our best! Happy Birthday in Advance!!!
Hey everybody! We are trying to get a headcount for the number of people interested in attending the meetup on Monday, March 28th at 12 noon to discuss this project. You can help us out by RSVP online: http://www.cottonrohrscheib.com/blog/2011/03/18/conference-planning-steering-committee-meetup/ -thanks for your interest!!
Just some random thoughts for you to ponder on as you celebrate your anniversary this weekend..
Ideas for names:
Tech it to the Limit (ideal if we get the Eagles as a headline act!)
IntARact 2011
AR TechConnect
EAR (Engage Arkansas) – imagine the EAR graphic, or maybe not
Anyway, one question I have is will the focus of the conference be purely technical (web, IT, design) in nature…or do you envision a broad brush that will include marketing, small biz applications & uses and other tracks that are vital for growth, but not purely technical in nature?
Either way, I like the idea and look forward to seeing you on the 28.
Any event or venture to help get people involved in local tech, collaboration, and forward thinking is a good thing and very much needed..Any ways thanks for sharing this stuff, nice one..
Hey Ross – sorry for the late response, just now seeing this. We would love to have your input on the project. We will be posting meeting notifications soon for our next committee meeting.
Hey Ross – sorry for the late response, just now seeing this. We would love to have your input on the project. We will be posting meeting notifications soon for our next committee meeting.