If you follow my blog you are probably already aware that a group of us have been discussing the idea of establishing a large tech conference here in central Arkansas. We have also received a lot of press coverage pertaining to this idea, last year in The Arkansas Times and most recently in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Well, this past week we had our first planning session with the steering committee at the Conway Area Chamber of Commerce and I was floored by the awesome turnout we had as well as the level of enthusiasm. I think this crazy idea might be within reach…
During our first meeting we didn’t get as much accomplished as we would have liked so we opted to form some committees in our Basecamp and everyone break out into groups to help work toward various goals. I think we have over 30 registered users in our basecamp as of right now and the interaction this past week has been phenomenal. If you were unable to attend our initial planning session and would like to be involved in the early stages of planning this huge event, please feel free to drop me a comment below and I will see to it that you are added to our Basecamp. Also, thanks to Arlton Lowry, we now have a logo to serve as our initial branding, and we hope to have a temporary website up this next week! Stay tuned as this project evolves…
Also, we now have a wufoo form online for volunteers to signup to be on our committees, we have many roles available and could really use your help! Click here to signup…
Cotton, this sounds great! I can’t wait to learn more about it
Awesome! We should have a website up in a few days. If you are interested in volunteering or helping out let me know, we have several areas that we could use some help.
Awesome! We should have a website up in a few days. If you are interested in volunteering or helping out let me know, we have several areas that we could use some help.