It’s no secret that my wife and I have wanted to have children for a long time now. Having tried on our own for the better part of our 6 year marriage and enduring months of expensive fertility treatments, out of pocket surgeries, and three painful miscarriages we had decided to pursue another route recently to build our family. After a lot of prayer we both decided to pursue adoption, and were getting started in the process with Abba Adoption Agency, an agency we finally felt comfortable with after visiting with several.
We were both pretty content in our decision to pursue adoption and were both on our merry way providing all of the information the agency was going to need to process our paperwork until one day, totally out of the blue, my wife walks in and throws a pregnancy test on my desk marked “Positive”… Yeah, I didn’t have a clue what to say. My first emotion of course was excitement, but that was quickly followed by concern given the fact that this is typically how this emotional roller coaster starts out. Well, long story short, we told each other that we were just going to trust God that this pregnancy was going to be perfect and that it was totally out of our hands. We also agreed that we weren’t going public with the news until we knew for sure the pregnancy was going to be viable, meaning the 10-12 week mark. Well, guess what…
Yesterday we went in for an ultrasound and not only was our baby doing fine, it had developed some little arms since the last time we had seen him and he/she was doing one of two things. Praising God or calling the Hogs because those tiny arms were moving around in there and we got to see it. The other day we were able to pick up the heartbeat on Doppler and that literally brought tears to my eyes, I didn’t even see that coming either.
A couple of things are different about this pregnancy that I think are worth noting. Donna is doing great, she’s as cool as a cucumber, not stressed about the least thing. I, on the other hand, am not sleeping at night and am constantly having to seek God in prayer to help stabilize my nervousness. The other day we walked out of the OBGYN office and I glanced down to realize that my shirt was soaked through and through from sweat. Another thing that I should also note, our OBGYN is an incredible guy, he and his team have been with us through the lowest points of our marriage during the past miscarriages and always in the past he let us know that he was cautiously optimistic about our chances. This pregnancy he feels totally different, he has never expressed any concern this time around and has even told me that he feels really good about everything.
Needless to say, we are extremely happy right now, and thankful that God has decided to bless us with this child. We know it is all ultimately in his hands and we ask that each of you keep us, and baby, in your prayers! Our expected due date is in May…
I AM SO HAPPY FOR Y’ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks so much!!
Congrats Cotton and Donna!
Thanks! Sorry I haven’t gotten back to you about Coffee this week, it’s been pretty hectic around here, you can see why now! haha. We will get together soon though!!
You 2 will make awesome parents. Grats man.
Thanks man! We are excited.
So, so awesome Cotton!! Congratulations to you and Donna!!!
Congratulations! Exciting news!
Thanks Tisha!
Great news Cotton!
Thanks! We are very excited. She’s cool as a cucumber and I’m shaking like a leaf on a tree!!!
This is great news!! So happy for you both. Prayers being sent.
Awesome! Thanks Bro!!! We appreciate the Prayers!!!
Congratulations!! We are so excited for you two! What great parents you are becoming! Praying for you two my friends!
Congratulations. Thanks for sharing this information with us.
Thanks, we haven’t went public w/ what the names are going to be yet but we will hopefully be able to do so later this week. Thanks!