Now the FBI and Facebook are both aware, and I’ve notified the other guy that he’s impersonating, I think it’s time to have some fun now…
— Cotton Rohrscheib (@cottonr) March 21, 2013
Just when you think you’ve seen all the stupid that this world can throw at you, something happens and you have to doubt the future of humanity all over again. Follow along closely because I promise you are going to find this really creepy, but somewhat entertaining at the same time…
I got an email this morning from a friend that told me I needed to checkout a Facebook Profile that was using my photos as not only their profile picture but also in their wall photos. It looks like the account was setup in July 2011, and the name used was “Sherriff Alan Cockrill” (yeah, they mispelled Sheriff. Okay, here’s where it gets really funny & creepy at the same time. The name of the person they picked to impersonate is actually a deputy sheriff in Batesville, Arkansas, here’s a link to his profile. So… think about it for a second. If you are going to pick two guys randomly to commit computer fraud against you pick a 25yr veteran law enforcement officer and me, someone who has spent more time getting around firewalls than you have been alive. Fear not, the velcro shoe industry will be alive forever as long as we have geniuses like this on the prowl…
Granted, I was a little creeped out at first by this, and then momentarily flattered, but I did the right thing and picked up the phone to call a friend of mine at the Bureau, yeah that Bureau – the FBI. I also sent a courtesy email to the Deputy Sheriff in Batesville that is being impersonated to let him know, still haven’t heard back from him yet but look forward to actually meeting him some time so we can laugh about all of this. Also, Facebook was notified this morning around 9:30am and they are already monitoring the situation as well.
I figured since we’ve done everything we can do, and have a pretty good missile lock on this person and it’s just a matter of time, we may as well have a little fun w/ them… Here’s a link to the fictional account for those interested in dropping them a #BUSTED note, I know that I am. 🙂
Guess this guy doesn’t know you are supposed to impersonate a pretty young girl. Not someone that looks like us 😉
Haha, I’m flattered and creeped out at the same time.