I have been looking for a good events calendar plugin for wordpress that could be used to manage upcoming events for an organization like a church or a city.
I have tried to integrate a few variations of this plugin into my projects in the past and honestly, I haven’t had a whole lot of success until I ran across this plugin.
Here is the description of the plugin from the WordPress plugin library:
Events-Calendar is a diverse replacement for the original calendar included with WordPress adding many useful functions to keep track of your events. The plugin has an easy to use admin section that displays a big readable calendar and lets you add and delete events. The plugin is widget ready so you can easily add a small calendar to the main sidebar with the ability to roll over the highlighted event day to see a brief description of the event or click the day to get a full description of the event without ever leaving your current page. If you are not using a widget ready theme, you can still have the calendar on your sidebar. Simply place “” in the sidebar file. The widget can also show a specified number of events as a list. You will find these options under the widget option.
The ability to add a large public calendar is now available by posting a page and adding “[[EventsCalendarLarge]]” to the page content to create a stand alone calendar page. Also, when entering an event from the admin section, you can check the box saying “Create Post for Event”, which will cause a post to be created with the event information.
Additional features are being added regularly so make sure that you keep up to date on upcoming changes and new features by subscribing to the RSS feed – http://www.lukehowell.com/feed.
Probably my favorite thing about this plugin is that inside you will find a CSS directory that allows you to basically manipulate the way the calendar appears on your website but also how the management area is displayed inside the WordPress control panel. There is also an option of adding a snippet of code inside of a wordpress page to display an actual calendar, this has a lot of applications as far as I am concerned.
Source: WordPress › Events Calendar « WordPress Plugins
Awesome, thanks.