I probably should have noticed this a long time ago but seeing as how I’m in Mozilla Firefox 90% of the time it’s easy to see how this sneaked past me, but on many websites today there is a CSS feature called: text-shadow (blur) that gives the site content a real nice effect. I’m personally a fan, if you are viewing this website w/ Firefox you will notice that the text has a slight shadow behind it. Well, long story short, Google Chrome doesn’t support this, and apparently hasn’t for a long time. I ran across this thread today from other developers complaining about this feature. Here’s an example comment from another developer:
This is not fixed yet. I see what the problem is now. Text shadows look wonderful with the OS font smoothing disabled. Text shadows still look awful with ClearType turned on. I'm comparing Chrome on Windows XP with no font smoothing, vs. Chrome on Windows 8 with ClearType. ew!!!
I have two questions, please feel free to weigh in if you have any ideas / thoughts?
- Is there a CSS workaround for this?
- Why hasn’t Google addressed this?
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