There is a developers survey online for anyone that is interested in providing some input toward the next build. They are asking for input on WordPress 2.7’s navigational options, see the notes below:
WordPress 2.7 is currently in development, and features a work-in-progress left-hand navigation column. This survey is intended to give WordPress users the ability to play a part in deciding how the navigation options should be grouped.
The menu function is based on sections with submenus, and you can collapse and expand menu sections without leaving your current screen. The image on the left below shows all menu sections collapsed, while the image on the right shows the Content section expanded.
In this survey we are primarily interested in what the top-level categories should be, what they should be called and which submenu items each should contain. We’ll show you a couple of different options and ask you which one you think is the best.
For those of you who have suggestions for labels, order, etc., you will have the option of providing specific feedback in these areas after you’ve chosen one of the primary options.
Take the Survey: WordPress 2.7 Navigation Groupings
Please Drop Your Questions or Comments