Pleth, LLC will be giving away a Google Nexus 7 at the 4th Annual Batesville Area Chamber of Commerce Business Expo & Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, January 23rd. This years business expo will be held at Independence Hall on the campus of UACCB (2005 White Drive) and is open to the public from 12pm – 2pm. Be sure to stop by our booth to register for your chance to win. For more information about the business expo, please contact Mandi Curtwright at the Batesville Chamber of Commerce: 870-793-2378.
Also, just a heads up, we will be holding a series of upcoming workshops around the state for small businesses that are interested in learning how to market their products and services more efficiently via technology. If you are interested in attending one of these sessions, be sure to drop myself or our team: [email protected] a note to let us know so we can get you added to the list for upcoming events.
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