The following Press Release from the White River Health System in Batesville, Arkansas tells about their recent award for excellence in website design from the Arkansas Society for Healthcare Marketing and Public Relations. The website was developed by my firm, Pleth Networks, LLC and is currently being hosted in our Dallas, Texas Data Center. During the project we worked very closely with Tod Fetherling of Relegent, another tech firm headquartered in Tennessee, to include Discovery Hospital on the WRHS website. The finished product is an exceptional website with lots of detailed Health Information and Patient Resources. If you haven’t already, please go and checkout
White River Health System Website HonoredLittle Rock, Ark – White River Health System (WRHS) received the Diamond Award for excellence in website design from the Arkansas Society for Healthcare Marketing and Public Relations. The award was presented at the annual meeting of the Arkansas Hospital Association.
The White River Health System website is managed by Rachael Fisher, WRHS Webmaster and hosted by Pleth, LLC. In 2006, the WRHS website underwent a major redesign. The hospital employed the services of Greg and Kegal Smart at Pleth to create a more interactive and dynamic web presence. The domain name was changed to reflecting the organization’s growth as a regional healthcare provider. Updates to important features, such as the online nursery and physician directory resulted in easier access and a more visually appealing look. By utilizing the web hosting services of Pleth, hits to the website have increased to over 900,000 each month.
As a part of WRHS Mission to promote healthier communities and to improve the interactive capability of the website, WRHS partnered with Discovery Hospital to provide web based healthcare information. Visitors to the website can look up symptoms, treatment options and wellness information provided by Discovery Hospital. Additionally, WRHS collaborated with Discovery Health to provide, HealthTeacher, an online health curriculum to the Batesville, Southside, Newport and Concord public schools. HealthTeacher is a comprehensive K-12 health education curriculum accessed online via the White River Health System website.
The curriculum contains hundreds of skills-based lessons designed around the Centers for Disease Control’s suggested topics aligned to the National Health Education Standards and the Arkansas health curriculum frameworks. Alignment to any other standards can be generated and displayed online. Lessons can be made available to all staff in a school who can find lessons according to standards, grade level, topic, or skill. Each lesson includes up to date teacher background, teaching steps, student assessment, web links, handouts, and overheads.
Currently, HealthTeacher is the curriculum used in nearly 6,000 schools nationally including the State of Delaware, New York City Schools, and Chicago Public Schools.
The Diamond Awards recognize healthcare organizations that excel in the areas of print, radio, television and outdoor advertising, website development, publications and writing. WRHS also received Judges Merit Awards for Special Purpose Publication, WRHS Foundation 12 th Annual Golf Classic Direct Mail Brochure; Total Advertising Campaign, Expect More, The Women’s Clinic, Tara Reynolds, MD; Special Purpose Publication, Stone County Medical Center Capital Campaign Booklet and Total Advertising Campaign, Newport Diagnostic Medical Clinic.
For additional information about this award, there is also a press release posted on our Pleth Networks, LLC corporate website, We have a very special working relationship with White River Health System and we are very proud to see our clients website honored by winning this award.
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