Creating varying levels of access for users of a site is something that I wrestled with for a while trying to get my mind around when I first sat down to learn PHP inside and out. Fortunately in PHPR (phprunner) there is a section full of tutorials that demonstrate how to setup user access to a section or table in your database. These tutorials really helped me get my mind around it. Here is a Link to New to PHP – Forums where Robb Helt, a new PHP Programmer posted a message on Xline’s message board w/ questions on how to setup access to a couple of different tables. The community did a great job in answering his question and offering up a solution for doing this, I just thought that I would post a message here with a link to this forum in case anyone else runs into this issue.
For me, what I pretty much will do is to create a table called users, sometimes even create a superadmin that can do everything, but once i have my users table setup I will go through and check the tables that I want the users to be able to have access to.
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