Well, my snarky video on YouTube about the intersection of Donaghey & Favre (see below) has gotten the attention of the city council and the mayor as well as several other citizens who have emailed, left comments, etc. I regret not approaching some of my friends on the city council w/ this issue because they sincerely do care about Conway and two board members have already reached out to me, David Grimes and Wesley Pruitt! Needless to say I feel really bad about posting the video now, but as the saying goes, you can’t take the pee out of the swimming pool, so here’s my video:
All of this to say that Conway is blessed in so many ways! I love this town, I love this town, I love this town!! What happened on Facebook as a result of my rant was interesting, see the post here. Next, I was copied on an email from a friend who is a coach at UCA who basically echoed my opinion on this intersection (Thanks John!), I honestly didn’t expect a response from anyone on the email today, but I was wrong…
I got an email from David Grimes from the city council as well as an inbox from Wesley Pruitt who both promised to look into the situation… Have I mentioned already that I feel like a turd for going to YouTube w/ my video yet? Well, I do. Click on the image to the right for a screengrab of the conversation w/ David Grimes.
But, this conversation didn’t just end here. I just got an inbox from Wes on Facebook:
It is our opinion (and the Mayor’s) that a Roundabout at this intersection would greatly improve the situation. The Roundabout would need to be shifted southward to avoid impacting residential houses on the north side of Favre. The project would require the purchase of considerable right of way from the property at the southeast corner. We could likely get the school to provided addition right of way for the southwestern corner.
Ronnie Hall, City Engineer
So, yeah it looks like something is about to happen! This is awesome news especially given the fact that I’ve been complaining about this intersection since 2010.
The moral of this story, take your problems directly to the city council if you live in Conway! They are on the freaking ball!! Especially Wes and David. Thanks guys!! The people in Southwind, Catherine’s Place, and the vicinity appreciate you guys!!!
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