As many of you are already aware via Facebook posts I shared this past week, we had a small hiccup in the road concerning Donna’s kidney failure. I had to rush her to the hospital to have a 4mm kidney stone removed. As some of you might recall, it was a kidney stone last year that brought her kidney function from 30% down to 17%, which has slowly deteriorated to 11% as of today.
The good news, she is still not having to do dialysis, which is a huge miracle! If you were to look at her I’m guessing you would have no idea that she has 11% kidney function. She’s as tough of a woman as I can imagine and I’d be willing to put her faith against anyone walking this planet today. We both know that we are walking in a valley right now. I’ve basically been declaring victory over our family and her health every time we pray together as a family. We don’t give up… we have history! and God has answered our calls on more than one occasion.
We also have some good news regarding the donor that’s being tested. Oh, and by the way, we had over 90 people volunteer to be tested. That’s still mind-boggling to me…
Our donor has passed almost all of the tests they’ve given him with flying colors, we do know that they are a blood match in terms of typing, etc. All that remains are two relatively routine tests for him and we can move onto the next phase of this process. I’m purposely withholding his name because I want to prepare him and his lovely wife for the outpouring of thanks and goodwill that’s going to be sent their direction by what I’ve started to call “Donna’s Fan Club”, I guess I should go ahead and create the hashtag, #TeamDonna and get that ball rolling for all of our prayer warriors.
I’ve been told by members of our transplant team that once things are finished w/ the donor testing that the transplant itself could happen within 30 days, so yes –it could happen this summer!! We are pretty excited. We already have a few google docs w/ members of our immediate support team attached planning for the procedure and recovery time. Some of you might find it interesting to know that I had Donna, her go bags, our phone chargers & ipads loaded in the truck (along w/ Donna who was in tremendous pain) in about 5 minutes the other night when the pains came on. About that time her sister Bridgette pulled in the driveway to watch Spencer and we sped to to the hospital where they immediately took her back to a private room. 5 freaking minutes. I invite you to try this w/ your family, haha.
The bottom line, much better days are ahead. We give God all the Glory –but we also thank many of you for allowing God to use you in various ways to be a part of this process. We are also forever grateful to our donor, can’t wait for you guys to get to know him, from what I’ve gathered in meeting w/ him and his wife are that they are also faith led people that are answering God’s call.
I’m sorry, but this whole thing makes my allergies flare up and my eyes get watery so I’ll sign off for now and report updates again as they happen in the future…
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