I’ve had a lot of people ask so I thought I would update the blog w/ our latest reports from the doctors regarding Donna’s kidney failure. All in all her numbers weren’t that concerning on things like phosphorous, creatine, protein, etc. but in a period of two months we did see her overall kidney function drop from 14% to 12%, so we’re staying very busy trying to keep our minds on positive things.
Physically, I’ve been doing my best to keep her as active as possible. I won’t bore you guys w/ stories of my antics (ice cold water in the water gun, etc.) –just know that she fights back harder than ever. She’s also on her game when it comes to tracking down our 4 year old who has lately decided it’s funny to run and “hide” (hopefully growing out of that one soon). However, I have noticed her energy levels dropping even more and most recently she’s been having some of the other side effects.
We remain positive however in the fact that we’ve been through challenges before. I’m going to borrow a line from a friend who had a conversation recently w/ her son, “we can do hard things”, I’m adopting that as our family motto. We also have our faith that keeps us strong, we’ve been through so many things in the past that has served the purpose of preparing us for what the road has in store for us…
In closing, please keep us in your prayers –we feel them. We’ve been blessed in so many ways and we know that God has this situation under control. We do appreciate all of you lobbying on our behalf.
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