We had our second planning meeting Monday at the Conway Chamber of Commerce to discuss the Central Interactive Conference plan. We had a great turnout and there was a ton of awesome discussion regarding the project. Some of the topics we covered included the Venue, Date, Tracks, etc. We also picked up discussions from our Central Interactive Basecamp and made a lot of progress.
As of right now we have a landing page online at www.centralinteractive.com but soon we will have a full blown website online to recruit speakers, handle registrations, and post announcements. It’s early and we still have a lot of time before any of our target dates but I have to admit, I think we have a lot of work ahead of us to pull this thing off the way a lot of us want to see it. To help speed things along we decided that we needed a message board to accommodate the discussions, and Tyler Presley is working on getting that installed this evening. If you would like access to this discussion board, please leave a comment and we will get you added as soon as possible.
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