I have seen a lot of trends come and go over the past ten or so years that I have been working with the web but I don’t think that I have every seen anything pick up as much momentum as Twitter has. Even MySpace and Facebook took a little while to get off of the ground initially. This is an impressive list of applications that are currently being used either in tandem with or added onto twitter, just amazing, I had no idea. Also, I am pretty sure this list is only partial, I have heard of a few more that aren’t listed…
- Alpha Twitter, shows the top links shared on Twitter
- Autopostr.com, Autopostr.com lets your twitterfriends automatically know you posted a new photo on Flickr
- Brabblr, Brabblr is a mashup tool for microservices including Twitter
- Celebrity Gossip Twitter, What are the celebrities doing?
- Commuter Feed, Commuter Feed is a free service that lets you post reports on traffic and transit delays
- Confession, Make an anonymous confession that will be posted on Twitter
- Dear LazyWeb, Dearlazyweb takes any question you send it and allows every Twitter user a chance to answer.
- Digsby, Digsby is a multiprotocol IM client that added Twitter support. It’s also an email and social networking tool.
- Dweeting, Dweeting (Date Tweeting) is a free service where people can follow your dating tweets using Twitter.
- Ego Twitter’in, A ridiculous Twitter app from Snoop Dogg’s web peeps that shizzolates your tweets.
- Foamee, Foamee tracks who you owe beer or coffee to (and vice versa)
- FoodFeed, foodfeed is a Twitter service that helps you share your eating habits
- FuelFrog, FuelFrog provides a way to track gas mileage on Twitter
- Gas Prices Twitter, a Twitter that provides news and information about the latest gas prices
- Get Satisfaction Twitter, help and support from Twitter, Inc. employees
- GroupTweet, help and support from Send private Twitter messages to specific groups of friends.
- gtFtr, Generate a chart that shows your exercise activity.
- gtwitter, gtwitter is a GNOME (Linux) Twitter client
- Hashtags, Hashtags provides real-time tracking of hashtags posted in Twitter
- iLi.st, Lists, Twitter style
- Inner Twitter, Inner Twitter helps you release the tension that builds up as you rush through the day.
- Intwition, Intwition shows popular links on Twitter broken into will be popular, is popular and was popular
- iTweet, iTweet is a Twitter application for the iPhone.
- iWish, iWish is a twitter wishes aggregator
- Jott, Jott transcribes your voice message and posts it to your Twitter stream.
- News Services, A list of Twitter news services. Great for staying informed while you are using Twitter.
- Odd Follow, Tracks Twitter folks that make you go hmmmm – they follow too many people or follow all women.
- Okoli, Okoli is a Twitter bot that finds restaurants, bars, shopping, services, and a lot more in Prague.
- PocketTweets, PocketTweets is a Web-based Twitter client for the Apple iPhone.
- Politweets, Politweets tracks and organizes tweets about the 2008 political candidates.
- Pothos, Pothos is a plant that has been hooked up to Twitter.
- Prayer Requests, A Twitter account that lets you broadcast an anonymous prayer.
- Quotably, Quotably threads Twitter conversations to make them easier to follow.
- Qwitter, Qwitter is a social tool designed to help you quit smoking.
- Recalls, The recalls twitter reports on food and product recalls
- Remember The Milk, Add and interact with your rtm tasks by direct message. Also get reminders.
- ReTweetMe, ReTweetMe is a reminder/todo service.
- Roll.the.dice, rollthedice is a twitter bot you can use to generate all sorts of random events.
- Sandy, Sandy will remember things you tell her to remember and send you a reminder tweet just when you need it.
- Shopping Deals Twitter, a Twitter that posts shopping deals from various merchants
- SnapTweet, Send your latest Flickr photo to Twitter with SnapTweet
- Snitter, an Adobe AIR-powered desktop application for twittering.
- Stop Twitter Spam, Solutions for stopping Twitter spam
- StrawPoll, Participate in tiny Twitter polls.
- Summize, Summize is a real-time tweet search engine.
- Timer, Timer is a Twitter bot that helps you set an alarm for things you need to remember.
- Tipr, Tipr is a tip calculator bot.
- TrackThis, Track your packages on Twitter – supports FedEx, UPS, USPS and DHL tracking codes
- Tw* Tool Tracker, A Twitter account tracking Twitter aficionados and tool developers.
- Twaction, Twaction is a simple site that turns your tweets on Twitter into actions.
- Twapper, Twapper is a mashup of 30Boxes and Twitter
- Tweet Scan, A fast Twitter search engine.
- Tweet-r, Tweet-r is a Mac/PC Twitter client.
- Tweet140, Tracks how close your tweets are to a 140 average.
- Tweetburner, Tweetburner tracks the clicks on links posted to Twitter – requires use of the Twurl url shortener.
- TweetClouds.com, Make a tweet cloud from a public Twitter stream
- Tweeterboard, Tweeterboard is a way of looking at who is influential on Twitter based on their conversations
- Tweetgift, Tweetgift lets you send virtual gifts to your Twitter friends.
- Tweetlights.com, Highlights Internet snippets and Twitter them.
- Tweetmeme, Shows some of the most popular memes on Twitter
- TweetShirts.com, Service will make t-shirts out of popular tweet ideas submitted and voted on by users.
- TweetSpeak, TweetSpeak lets you listen to tweets.
- TweetStats, provides interesting statistical information about your tweeting habits
- TweetVolume, Lets you compare words or phrases and see how often they have been mentioned on Twitter.
- Tweetwhatyoueat.com, Lets you create a Twitter food diary.
- TweetWheel, The TweetWheel helps you find out which of your Twitter friends know each other.
- Twemes, Twemes is another way to tag tweets.
- Twerp Scan, Twerp Scan helps you find people with high ratios that might be spammers on your follow list.
- Twhirl, Twhirl is a desktop Twitter client.
- Twhither, Find out where your friends are and let them know where you are.
- Twiddeo, Twiddeo helps you share your videos on Twitter
- Twist, This service creates charts that let you compare trends in Twitter can be embedded onto your blog.
- Twistori, A social experiment tracking tweets using I love, hate, think, believe, feel and wish.
- Twitbin, Twitbin is a Twitter client that runs in your Firefox browser.
- TwitDir, TwitDir is a handy directory of Twitter users.
- TwiterSync Facebook, Twitter Sync will make your FacebookStatus match your TwitterStatus.
- Twitigg, Twitigg is listing of popular stories submitted on twitter.com sorted by number of submitters,
- TwitKit, TwitKit is a Twitter sidebar client for Firefox
- TwitPic, TwitPic helps you share your photos on Twitter
- Twitpoll.com, Twitpoll.com lets you twit your opinion on various Twitter polls.
- TwitResponse, Setup unlimited messages to be delivered to your twitter page when you want.
- Twits Like Me, Returns a list of Twitterers (based on your tweets) who probably share your interests.
- Twitsig, twitsig.com allows you to display your current twitter status as an image.
- Twitstat, Twitstat.com offers real time Twitter analytics.
- TwittEarth, A mashup that shows live tweets from all over the world on a 3-D globe as they happen.
- Twitter Answers, Twitter Answers is a Q&A mashup using Twitter and Mosio.
- Twitter Bestsellers, Reports on the #1 bestselling books, music, movies, etc
- Twitter Blacklist, This website provides a list of known spammers of various kinds on Twitter.
- Twitter Brand Index, A list of brands, companies and thought-leaders on Twitter from Fluent Simplicity
- Twitter Census, Twitter Census lets you generate surveys using Twitter.
- Twitter Karma, This is a Flash application that helps you manage your followers. Created by Dossy http://dossy.org
- Twitter Quotient, Are you a Twitter hero or zero?
- Twitter Ratio, Twitter Ratio returns your TFF Ratio (Twitter Follower-Friend Ratio).
- Twitter Tools, a plugin for Word Press. Created by Alex King – see: http://alexking.org
- Twitter100, Twitter100 will let you see tweets from up to 100 followers one a single page.
- Twitterberry, Twitterberry is a twitter app/client for BlackBerry users
- Twitterbox, Twitterbox is a Twitter client for Second Life
- TwitterBuzz, Shows the most popular links posted on Twitter over the last day.
- Twittercal, Twittercal is a free service that connects your Twitter account to your Google Calendar.
- Twitterfeed, Twitterfeed will check your blog’s feed at a specified interval and post any new items to your twitter
- TwitterGram, TwitterGram lets you cross-post audio files on Twitter
- Twitterholic, Twitterholic shows the twitterers with the most followers, friends and updates.
- TwitterLocal, TwitterLocal lets you generate an RSS or XML Feed to filter out Tweets around a certain area.
- Twittermail.com, Twittermail.com lets you send and receive tweets by email
- Twitterment, Twitterment is a Twitter search engine that searches tweets using Google.
- Twitternotes, Using TwitterNotes, you can twit your note, tag it and it will get added to your note list.
- TwitterPoster, TwitterPoster is a mashup created from Twitter that provides a visual representation of the degree
- TwitterReply.com, Twitter replies are sent to your designated email address
- Twitterrific, Twitterrific is a Mac Twitter client.
- Twittershare, Share pictures, music, video, and other files with friends using Twitter.
- TwitterSnooze, Allows you to temporarily silence your noisy Twitter friends.
- TwitterSoap, Twittersoap is a mashup of Mobypicture and Twitter.
- Twittertale, Twittertale tracks the usage of naughty words in Twitter
- TwitterTroll, TwitterTroll is another Twitter search engine that searches tweets.
- Twitterverse, Twitterverse shows the most popular words and phrases on Twitter.
- Twittervision, An addictive Twitter and Google Maps mashup showing the latest tweets and where the twitterer is
- TwitterWho, TwitterWho lets you make multiple queries on Twitter’s people search at one time.
- Twitthis, TwitThis is an easy way for people to send Twitter messages about your blog post or website.
- Twitticious, Import links from your delicious account into Twitter
- Twitturly, Twitturly is a service for tracking what URLs people are talking about as they talk about them on Twitter.
- TwittyTunes, A FoxyTunes companion Firefox extensionallows you to post your currently playing songs to Twitter
- Twitxr, With twitxr you can share a moment, a picture, a thought, instantly with your mobile phone
- Twitzer, Twitzer is a Firefox extension which lets you post text longer than 140 characters on Twitter.com
- Twixxer, Twixxer is a photo and video sharing component for Twitter.com
- Twubble, Twubble searches your friend graph and picks out people who you may like to follow.
- Was Overheard, Report interesting or funny tweets anonymously
- Who Should I Follow?, Helps you find other interesting people to follow on Twitter.
- Witty, Witty is a free, open source Twitter client for Windows Vista and XP powered by the Windows Presentation
- Wordy Birdie, Wordy Birdie is a Twitter based word frequency quessing game.
Source: Bloggers Blog — Twitter Links: Twitter Applications, Mashups and Tools
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