A combination of high winds, hail, and a tornado ripped across Eastern Arkansas this past weekend and found it’s way onto our farm. My folks have been sending me photos off and on today of the damage and I have been posting them to my photo gallery as I get them. Fortunately our home place wasn’t in the path of the storms although neighbors said it got kind of scary just before the storm moved out into Mississippi. Check out the link below, notice the rail cars that were sitting on the track that were all knocked over, amazing…
Picasa Web Albums – Cotton Rohrscheib – Farm Tornado …
The pressure in the air was also strong enough to cause some of these large grain bins at our grainery in Oneida, Arkansas to just collapse inward, I don’t think I have ever seen anything like this before, click here to see the rest of the photos…
The winds also flipped over a couple of our Irrigation Systems as the storm passed through, I hope to get some shots of those added to the gallery soon, after speaking with my folks I found out that Highway 44 is closed to traffic due to debris, airplanes, and cotton pickers being scattered across the roads. Ironically nothing has been mentioned on any of the Arkansas news networks about the damage in Phillips County??
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