You will no doubt hear about KONY 2012 soon. KONY 2012 is a film and campaign by Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice. This non-profit organization is receiving a lot of heat from the critics because of the “type of organization” they are and what their goals are. In this case, KONY 2012’s goal is to raise awareness, so naturally they make videos and do what they can to let the world know about this horrible person. I don’t think, and I might be wrong – someone correct me here, but I don’t think they feed these children, or help them get relocated. (do they?).
Awareness is a good thing, I personally don’t support this organization financially but I do feel it’s important for the world to see this guys face and to know about these children so I’m posting it here, for me though, the bigger picture is helping my friends right down the road that don’t have a warm meal or a place to sleep. This is the call that God has placed on my heart.
What are your thoughts? If you would like to learn more about helping people in your own neighborhood, check out The One, Inc.
My thoughts is that this is an elaborate money grab by a supposed charity.
My comment is this. There is nothing preventing people from doing both. As someone who spoke up about the economic problems in the Delta before anyone else — in fact even defined the problem — back in the 1980s, I have had to watch other “causes” get the attention and money while ignoring “our own backyard” for almost 30 years now. However, all of this either/or talk misses the larger point of this movement. Not only are we talking about removing a very bad guy by using a populist movement to pressure governments to prioritize international criminals like him, we are talking about doing it using social media as the means to that populist media. That is the point the film makes very well. By putting a deadline on the cause, it also puts pressure on those governments to act now instead of always putting it off for some other monied-special-interest public relations bought and paid for distraction. I really think if most people have seen what I have seen at the Federal and State levels, they would realize that most of the time the agenda of this nation is really driven by those monied-special interests, instead of the real issues of our day that influence our daily lives. This video makes the point very well, and uses this cause to do so, that social media has the potential to redefine how we solve problems as a civilization. It is already happening, as we all witnessed with the Arab Spring. But it is not just limited to that… and that is the real positive message here. If this works, maybe we will be motivated as a people to work on those “backyard” issues that always seem to be shelved for some “cause celebre” of the day. Those are my comments and thoughts. Thanks for posting.