As many of you know, I’m on the board of directors for The One, Inc., we have several ministry outreaches that we do including The Van in Central Arkansas, The Mission Machine in White County, and we even have a Van in Atlanta, Georgia now. We also have started our own farm to support the homeless in Central Arkansas, you may have heard of already heard of The Field.
Well, I’m not going to beat around the bush, there’s a ton more that needs to be done and we simply don’t have the resources to put a dent in the problem. In the past we have posted needs online via Facebook and Twitter and through your generosity we’ve been able to accomplish what we’ve needed to accomplish to some degree but as our ministry has continued to grow the need for us to establish a warehouse to service our growing fleet with supplies as well as serve as the headquarters for our garden / food operation became a necessity so we located one and established our headquarters. It’s not fancy, but we have big dreams. Through your generosity we’ve been able to keep this going for a while now w/out even having to ask for additional support but as of late things have become pretty tight and we are asking for your help.
There are several ways you can help out, but the one that I would like for each of you to consider is to signup to become a monthly partner with us. You don’t have to pledge an insane amount of money, we welcome $5, $20, $50, and $100 commitments. Every little bit helps. If you are interested, please checkout our donation page…
One other thought, if your church supports missionaries around the world on a monthly basis, also have them consider supporting one in their own backyard and send them to our website or have them call me directly, i’d love to tell them about the work we do. If you are not familiar w/ what we do, I invite you to checkout our website, it was recently updated w/ a lot of new content…
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