The Guy Goma story is one of my favorite stories to have ever popped up on the web. Long story short, he’s the guy that went to the BBC (British Television Network) for a job interview and was mistakenly whisked onto a production set and mistakenly interviewed thinking he was someone else (a technology consultant). The entire story about Guy Goma can be read online here: BBC NEWS | Entertainment | BBC News ‘wrong Guy’ is revealed
Here’s the video of the interview, watch the expression on this guys face when the girl first starts the interview, I think that it just clicks with him that he’s obviously in the wrong place but he pulls it off like a champ!
The Guy Goma story doesn’t stop here either, there is an entire page on Wikipedia dedicated to him, it’s a hilarious story, here’s the link: (be sure to read the actual transcript from the interview, it’s just about as good).
Here is a follow up video that a British Talk show did with Guy after the video made it to the web and he was an instant celebrity.
It doesn’t get any funnier than this in my opinion!
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