The other day my wife and I set out to clean and organize my office closet, it hadn’t been organized in several months and I am not the type of person that can be very productive if things aren’t organized in a certain way, this is most likely the result of me being diagnosed with mild OCD in my early twenties. My office closet serves as the “catch-all” in my business world because i can shut the doors and everything, no matter how crookedly it’s stacked, is out of sight and out of mind. While cleaning out the closet we went through and tossed tons and tons of old notebooks w/ notes from everything from client meetings to church sermons. It’s safe to say that I am a note taker…
One of the first apps that I downloaded after getting an iPhone was Evernote. At first I didn’t really use it that much w/ the exception of a few specific times where I found myself w/out a notebook in hand but over time I have found myself using it more and more for things in my day to day life. The really cool thing about Evernote is that it’s a synchronized application between my iPhone and my desktop (both Windows and Mac).
All of my notes are tagged and stored in notebooks that are extremely easy to locate via the web, desktop app, or on my iPhone. For me being able to retrieve informational notes quickly and easily is top priority, and user interface is a close second. Evernote answers both of these in a big way. Not only is the Evernote interface easy to navigate but having tagged content, it’s only a few seconds to locate. I have about 10 notebooks presently, each w/ various pages of notes, clippings, and scans related to various things I am involved in. Most recently I even started using Evernote to store client project notes, I can open up my iPhone and record notes or take notes on my desktop during conference calls.
Some other really cool features w/ Evernote are that you can post notes via Twitter by following @MyEN and probably the most cool feature right now is the ability to post voice recordings. With the premium version of Evernote (which costs about $5 a month) you can add supersize uploads, advanced security, and my favorite, Collaboration, to your service. Let’s say that I have a note that I want to share w/ someone else and give them the ability to edit the note, it’s just a matter of upgrading to premium service. The entire Evernote experience is so UX driven that I am falling in love with it more and more everyday.
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