I am currently beta-testing an exciting product that we hope to be able to roll out to our clients this year. It’s a Synchronization tool that works with Pleth Premium Email Solutions Webmail Client (our web-based email client) and Microsoft’s popular Outlook Email Client. This new tool will allow our customers to synchronize their Calendars, Tasks, Notes, and Contacts with their Web-Based Email Account.
Why is this such an exciting product for me? I utilize Microsoft Outlook for my day to day operations, my calendar dates back for at least the last decade or so, and it also sync’s with my Palm Treo Smartphone. I also use tasks inside of Microsoft Outlook to manage tasks that I have for client projects. I also frequently take notes on my phone when I am in meetings, or even heading to the grocery store. By adding the synchronization functionality with our webmail client, I can be in the Batesville office working from my laptop or in Vegas or Chicago in meetings and have the most recent calendar, tasks, and notes from my desktop or primary computer at my fingertips. I can’t tell you how excited I am about this product.
This software will be beta tested for the next month or so by my partners and I to ensure that it’s ready to roll out to our clients and free of bugs. At this time it appears to be working great.I will be reporting back on this software closer to it’s release date. I haven’t got any insight as to what we will charge for this software but I am guessing that it will be available as an add-on to our email service and could roll out as low as $1 – $2 per month per account, or at least that is our projected estimated cost.
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