This is a good article I ran across on Arkansas Business that deals with all of the viral or social networking sites that are out there today like MySpace, Facebook, etc. I have been saying all along that blogging is the future of the internet, most all generation y folks already have their own myspace or blogger account and post things from youtube there on a daily basis.
There are even a few of us Gen X’rs that have embraced blogging but I must tell you that as an “old timer” when it comes to the web it took a while for me to embrace blogging in general, it’s just not structured enough for me, and definitely not organized in it’s approach to displaying information, for instance, I am blogging this article right now, the last thing I blogged previously to this was on bermudagrass sod that I have in my yard.
A few of our business clients have jumped on board as well over the past year or so, most of them using solutions like wordpress that run from their hosted domain or corporate website. I think that over the course of the next year or so web development firms are going to see a rise in clients asking for a blogging solution add-on to their exisiting web presence.
Strategist Urges Businesses to Use Social Media
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