My partner Greg posted an entry on his blog the other day talking about SEO friendly URL’s and how MODx works to help you have an extremely search engine friendly website using .htaccess. This is just one of the many upsides to using MODx PHP Framework, there are quite a few others that I am sure he and I will go into as we explore this framework a little deeper, here’s his post:
After looking over the SEOmoz article 11 Best Practices for URL’s I began thinking it might be beneficial to record my recent experiences with Modx. Particularly as it related to quick and easy creation of SEO friendly URL’s.
By utilizing the .htaccess file packaged with Modx to harness the power of Apache’s mod_rewrite engine, URL naming flexibility is within reach in minutes. All you have to do is uncomment the appropriate lines in the .htaccess file and upload it to the root directory of your install. The rest is just a matter of a few simple configuration tweaks inside of the CMS control panel.
Go to Tools->Configuration->Friendly URL’s and choose ‘Yes’. Also don’t forget to choose your appropriate suffix (.htm, .html, .php, etc.) that will be applied to all URL’s generated by the CMS.
Next within the document editor of any page within your site type the URL name within the ‘Document Alias’ field. This will be applied, along with the suffix, as the URL name.
That’s it, it’s that easy to create well formed, SEO friendly URL’s within a dynamic content management system. As I have been learning the ins and outs of Modx over the past few weeks I have found it is one of the more versatile tools I have come across as a developer. It is not a CMS for everyman due to it’s relative complexity, but it is just what the doctor ordered for a commercial developer in desperate need of a robust CMS system.
SEO, URL’s, and Modx | Greg Smart
have you ever looked at drupal? its what we use and have had great results. I would be glad to show you some of the highpoints next time you are in memphis.
Found your site in google while researching modx, do you have some example websites you have built using it?
Very interesting website. Keep up the outstanding work and thank you for the modx 411
hello friend i read your comment and i agree with same opinion,
I read Gregs blog, good perspective. Are you guys having good results with modx? I have been looking for an alternative for 20 or so of my Joomla accounts.