Pleth neither one have anything to do w/ this product but I feel like it’s an awesome product and wanted to share it…
I had the opportunity the other day to reconnect with an old friend, Mike Ortner. Mike is a really cool guy, not only is he a developer but also a visionary, and a great person to just hang out with and talk tech with. I have seen some of Mike’s past web-based projects and have always been impressed with his work but when he shared his latest project w/ me, Safe-Keep, I couldn’t wait to get back to the office to check it out.
Safe-Keep is a web-based facility management solution geared toward re-entry centers, halfway houses, work release centers, and basically any other facility that manages clients in a residential type setting. If you follow business, you probably already know that this business sector has shown nothing but growth for the past decade and there aren’t any signs that it will decline anytime soon, so I think Mike’s right on the target w/ this niche solution. Any software needs automation testing company to check the automated test suits and the other factors that make a software work seamlessly.
One of Mike’s previous solutions that I am somewhat familiar with was a Church Management Solution that included an add-on check-in system for tracking children. I honestly haven’t seen that solution in several years but I remember at the time that the check-in module was top-notch, and from what I have gathered he has taken that technology and made it even more robust in this new offering.
Checkout some of these features:
- Client Alert – Safe-Keep has a spectacular alert feature. Not only does Safe-Keep alert you of a late or escaped client with a full screen pop-up as soon as they are late but it also allows you to set the amount of time between each alert reminder. Safe-Keep also sends email notification alerts which means if you have email on your mobile device, you will get the alerts on your phone. Both the pop-up and the email will contain all the client information you need as well as attach the picture of the client.
- 13 Color Schemes – 13 color schemes allow you to choose different colors for each facility.
- Medication Module – Safe-Keep includes a full blown medication manager that allows you to log all medications consumed by clients, find out if they took too many or not enough, be notified of allergies, the prescribing doctor’s name as well as who has a tendency to palm meds. The Medication Module will help you manage every aspect of dispensing medication.
- Client Call Logs – Call logs are an important part of any facility. Safe-Keep enables you to log all calls that come through your facility quickly and easily. No more struggling to keep up with client calls.
- Substance Abuse History – Keep track with your client’s alcohol or drug history with Safe-Keep’s Substance Abuse History Module. All the information you need is easily accessible and can be accessed from anywhere in the world using a browser and the internet.
- Substance Abuse Scheduler – Safe-Keep includes a user friendly substance abuse scheduler. You can schedule drug or alcohol screenings for all your clients. Safe-Keep will remind you of the screening with pop-ups and email reminders. If a screening is due when a client signs in or out, you will be notified immediately.
- Report Manager – With our report manager you can obtain a wealth of client and facility information including who is checked out, what screenings are due, who is late, client log information, find out how many empty beds you have, get facility counts and much much more.
- Digital Photos – Safe-Keep utilizes digital photos in many areas of the application. By moving your mouse over any photo thumbnail, you get a full size version of the photo.
- Sentence Information – Safe-Keep can track multiple sentences for every client. From court conditions, judges, case numbers, probation violations and charges to sentence lengths, Safe-Keep can track it with the Sentence Module.
- Employers – Track all client employers with Safe-Keep’s Employer Module. Employment history can be added and viewed for any client. Keep a history for all your client’s pay rates, work schedules, insurance and much more.
- Incident Log – You will be able to log all your documentation necessary for your facility and all your clients. This information can be reported on or searched for further use.
- Resident Control – Tracking who is checked out, where they are and what time they will be returning is easy. Also find out how many empty beds you have, search through client phone calls, do facility counts and more.
- Finances – Our finance module was designed to assist you in tracking and obtaining your subsistence fees by allowing you to track your client’s paychecks. Safe-Keep can automatically calculate fees based on BOP percentage of gross or subsistence rate. You can calculate monthly totals, track hours worked, generate monthly reports for BOP and more with only a few clicks .
- Account and Obligations – Child support, fines, restitution, alimony and other obligations must be tracked. Safe-Keep has a great module that ensures your clients are fulfilling all their court ordered obligations. It’s easy and straight forward to use.
- Residence – Keep track of all your client’s residences with Safe-Keep. You can find out if the residence has been inspected for weapons, alcohol, drugs and any other thing that you may need quickly and easily. You are even able to track multiple residences per client. All your residence needs are met with Safe-Keep.
- Treatment History – Track a client’s entire treatment history, including placement success, completion, dates of service, track the reasons treatment was a failure and much more
- Hosted Solution – Safe-Keep is a completely hosted solution. This means there are no onsite servers for you to have to deal with or maintain and your data is backed up every night.
- Browsers and Compatibility – Safe-Keep is compatible with most modern browsers including IE7, Safari 2+ and Firefox 1.5+ which means you can use most any platform including handheld devices with full browsers. Don’t get stuck with an application that isn’t compatible with multiple platforms and has to be installed on an onsite server. This will cause you to have to stick with that platform and require you to maintain that server and do your own backups.
If this is your industry, I highly recommend checking out Safe-Keep for a demo, or call Mike at: 501-255-1978.
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