Our CEO, Cotton Rohrscheib, currently serves on the board of directors for Deliver Hope, a local non-profit organization that works with kids that are currently going through our juvenile court system.
Our MISSION is to deliver the hope of Jesus Christ to at-risk and under-served young people, no matter the circumstance.
We are working to inspire and equip the church to love and support at-risk youth.
Our VISION is that every young person, no matter what issue they are facing in life, has the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel, that they are afforded resources for holistic growth, and that they discover transformational mentoring relationships that help them become all that God has created them to be.
Together, we can change this trend, mobilize communities, restore lives, and reach the next generation with the Gospel. Contact us to find out how you can partner with us and help shape eternity in the hearts of gospel-destitute young people.
Our PASSION is to see young people experience eternal hope through a genuine relationship with Christ and be connected to a local church. We believe God has a plan and a destiny for every child, and we are dedicated to inspiring young people to dream beyond their circumstances, excel despite their disadvantages, and reach their fullest God-given potential.
On January 29th, Deliver Hope will host their first fund-raising event / gala celebration at Conway First Baptist Church, click here to learn more & purchase tickets online.
Rohrscheib Capital has donated an Apple iPad Mini that will be up for bid during our live auction and a ‘GREATER‘ movie package (movie tickets, book, and a pair of Burlsworth glasses) that will be available in our silent auction.
In addition, our newest launch, Cotton & Company Consulting, will be offering a free eCommerce website, domain name, and 1 year of web hosting in the silent auction as well. If you can attend the event we would love to see you there! If you are interested in learning more (and how you can get involved) click here…
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