FBN’s Seed Relabeling Report Released Today!
Today we are releasing results from our seed relabeling study that we conducted this season. Thanks to all of our members who contributed seed tags that were used in this study. This report exposes details on the common practice of selling the same seed variety under multiple brands for different prices.
We are very excited about this groundbreaking project because it will give growers an unprecedented level of transparency and information when making critical seed selections in the future that will reduce costs and preserve genetic diversity. This information has never been available to growers in the past. Only FBN, with our large network of growers, and our mission of improving farmer profitability through information and transparency can provide this level of value to growers!
- Same Seeds, Different Prices
- Same Seeds, Different Prices (Update)
- Study Proves “Same Seed Different Bag” Theory
Let Us Quote Your Defoliants & Desiccants
As this harvest season rapidly approaches, we would love to give you a quote for your defoliant and desiccant products. We currently offer; Ethephon (Prep), Folex, Dropp Ultra, Ginstar, Sodium Chlorate (Defol 5), as well as top-quality, non-ionic surfactants. To get a quote, just respond to this email, or give me a call / text: (501) 206-1664. (Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee)
FBN Grain Marketing
With our new crop marketing tool, profit center, our members receive bids for their crops from over 4,000 buyers with a real-time snapshot of profit and loss calculations based on expected costs or it can be customized to include actual costs if you have them. This tool allows growers to understand their inventory position, break-even price, and their profit per acre from sales. Our system also allows growers to setup marketing alerts on their smartphones to let them know when their are “in the money.” In addition to our profit center, we’ve recently launched our new IHTA Hedge to Arrive product that allows growers to sell their crops to the highest bidder while still being able to negotiate a better basis. Stay tuned for more information on this exciting product offering…
More Growers, Better Data
We recently surpassed 16 million acres of agronomic data in our network. For those that might not be familiar w/ how FBN works, we aggregate every form of precision data you have from your operation (planting, harvest, soil types, productivity, etc.) anonymously into our network. Our members data is shared anonymously with other growers in our network to provide them with actionable data to make better decisions. Oh, and the best part, we work with all data platforms, Trimble, John Deere, Case, etc. By the way, we never sell or share our growers data. If you are interested in learning more, please respond to this email or give me a call: (501) 206-1664 to schedule a farm visit once harvest season has slowed down.
Getting a Headstart on 2018…
Please plan to set aside some time this winter to setup your chemical plans for 2018. Keeping accurate records are vital for managing plant-back intervals as well as maintaining compliance with government regulations. With our chemical planner you can record detailed chemical plans in your FBN account and access them right from your smartphone with our FBN Ops app. Also, by putting together a chemical plan months in advance, it allows our team to source the best possible prices on the products that you plan to use (no obligation). If you have questions, or would like to schedule a demo of our chemical plan tool, please respond to this email or call / text message me: (501) 206-1664.
Exclusive Deals & Discounts for FBN Members…
The FBN Marketplace is up and running and growing daily! We negotiate discounts with suppliers on behalf of our members on a wide variety of products and services ranging from tires, equipment, seeds, technology, services, and much, much more! To access the FBN marketplace, simply login to your FBN account and click on the FBN Direct tab, once you locate a product or service you are interested in, click on the “Request More Information” link and that supplier or vendor will contact you directly with discounted prices! It’s a new way to shop!
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