- Cotton Defoliants
Our procurement team has been busy sourcing the best deals on the market for popular Cotton defoliants; Ethephon (Prep), Thiadizuron (Dropp), Folex, Finish, etc. To get a quote, please call me: (501) 206-1664, or just respond to this email. - FBN Profit Center & Grain Marketing
Over 1,000 growers have already started using our Grain Marketing tool to find better deals for their crops from over 3,000 buyers. Even with shipping and freight costs factored in, one grower recently made 80 cents per bushel more than he was offered at his local elevator. - We now offer cover crops!
If you are considering adding a cover crop on your farm this fall / winter shoot me a note to let me know what your plans are and our team will go to work to source you the best prices on popular products like winter rye, radish, oats, etc. - Haven’t Signed Up for FBN Yet?
Our network in the Mid-South is Growing Every Day… If you are not a member, we can get you signed up on the phone in 5 minutes! Just give me a call: (501) 206-1664. - Huge Discounts in the FBN Marketplace!
We have discounts on many popular products to make seasonal adjustments to our inventory. To access prices, login to your Farmers Business Network account and click the FBN Direct tab, or just give me a call for a quick quote: (501) 206-1664