We had another great Central Arkansas Refresh meeting this month. If you were unable to attend Rob McBryde was nice enough to record the event for us and post it on Vimeo. Robert Blake did a great job on his talk about Tumblr. He is one of a hand few of people I know who have spent a lot of time inside that network / blogging platform and did a great job sharing it w/ the rest of us.
Next month Rob McBryde is going to speak on Joomla, so be sure to make plans now to attend. Our meetings are on the last Tuesday of each month and are open to anyone interested. A topic that Bryan Jones suggested this past meeting for a future talk was User Experience, and I have to agree that this would be an awesome topic for us to discuss. If anyone is interested, please feel free to speak up. We also have had some interest from Collabpad (the company that promotes MODx open-sourced PHP Framework about sending a representative to one of our meetings to showcase their CMS.
If you missed Refresh this week, here’s the video:
Interesting blog. It would be great if you can provide more details about it. Thanks a load!
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