My transition to the MacBook Pro has been going pretty good the past few weeks. I am really liking the machine a lot. Last week I installed Parallels and started moving some of my native Microsoft Applications over, and I must say, that transition has went very well. The one thing that has always been foreign to me w/ the whole Apple experience has been that there is no “right click” on the mouse (by default). I know I am not alone because I have had others express the same thing to me before.
Well, today I was meeting w/ Calvin Hill to discuss a project and I mentioned that I still missed the “right click” very much and found myself trying to do it w/ my Apple Mouse. He showed me how to setup the Apple Mouse to have the right click function in just a few seconds. This changes everything…
This probably sounds like a juvenile find for a lot of you that have been using a Mac for several years but for me it was huge! To set this up, simply click on System Preferences / Mouse. You will see the screen below:
Once you are in, just go to the right side of the mouse and select “Secondary Button” from the menu. Once you have this setup just close out the window and check it out. Pretty cool huh? Everyday I use this machine I pick up something new and am also to the point of being proficient w/ it enough to actually do some production work from it.
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