I ran into something today I hadn’t ever seen before. One of our clients e-commerce website that’s powered by Jigoshop for WordPress CMS had several products w/ multiple thumbnails showing up under the “primary” or “featured image” for the product. Apparently at some point these images had been uploaded as part of that product and somehow they were “connected” but from the “edit product” screen inside wordpress there’s not a way to remove those images… what to do??
I did a little digging under the “Media Tab” inside of wordpress and located several of these rogue thumbnails and noticed that several of them were “Uploaded to…” various products inside the store. When I moused over the image there was an option to “unattach” the image from that product and that’s how I was able to remove the thumbnails.
Granted, this is a little bit weird, and I hope they can figure out a better way of doing this in the future, but apparently I’m not the only one that’s ran into this before. Here’s how Jigoshop recommends getting rid of these thumbnails:
Q: How can i remove an existing products additional images? I have a product where its images have been updated and need to replace the currently displayed ones, so I have removed the featured image via the sidebar control and then uploaded a new image and this has worked all ok. However I can not see any option to remove the additional images as these also need to be replaced as well.
A: You need to de-attach those images from the post, you can do that from the media panel or by removing it from the gallery section when you are in the media modal box (post page).
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