I was speaking w/ Arlton Lowry earlier this evening about the #RefreshCA Conway meeting that went down. I was feeling a little under the weather so I didn’t get to make it but I understand that there was a great turnout. This was awesome news because I have been extremely hopeful we could establish a regular monthly meeting here in Conway on the second Tuesday of each month like we do the last Tuesday in Little Rock.
The meeting was held at Michelangelos downtown, just down the street from the Conway Cowork, another project that I would really like to see take off. From what Arlton was telling me, there were about 16 or so people at tonight’s meeting that heard Dan Decker and Karl Hill discuss Expression Engine. I really hate it that I couldn’t be there this evening but I will definitely make it out to the one next month. If you live in Conway and do anything related to the web, I highly recommend these meetings. You can find out more information on the Central Arkansas Refresh website, or the Conway Refresh website.
If you were at the meeting, I would love to hear your comments on how things went…
I showed up. It was refreshing to get out of Little Rock for a change.
Man, the one time you come to Conway and I am at home sick. Next time I will be there for sure.