I wish I had a dollar for every back to school picture I’ve seen posted by friends with kiddos the past two or three days, and don’t get me wrong, I’m totally that guy nowadays! I’m constantly blowing up instagram everytime my kiddo breaks wind or does something cool. The other day my good friend Arlton shared a video on Facebook that really got me to thinking (see video below).
To This Day from To This Day on Vimeo.
…man, we really live in a crazy world huh? I guess bullying wasn’t something I gave a lot of thought when I was a kiddo –BUT it’s for real, and needs to be something that’s addressed not only at school but also in the home.
Well, with this video in the back of my mind seeing all of these kiddos setting out for their first day of school looking to conquer the world it made me realize how competitive things are these days in their tiny little worlds and how many of them are starting this school year and won’t relax again until summer break rolls along again. Naturally every parent wants their kid to excel in school and make good grades and get a quality education so they can be prepared for an even more cut-throat world that awaits them when they graduate.
Last night when Donna and I were saying prayers last night w/ Spencer I said a little prayer over him asking God to not only help him to do well in school but most importantly (and I do value this higher than a grade point average), I prayed that he would always value every person he encountered and treasure every friendship, furthermore I want him to be the kid that doesn’t tear other kids down but instead is there to lift them up and be an encouragement.
Call me crazy, but I see those being bigger credentials than a 4.0 grade point average, or even a Heisman Trophy!! Well, scratch that, the Heisman Trophy would be cool too…
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