Recently I upgraded the Central Arkansas Refresh website to run MU, or BuddyPress as it is now called. I also added some additional plugins to the site such as Disqus commenting platform, Feedburner Feedsmith, Kieran’s Calendar, and of course a BuddyPress Forum. My hopes are that the website, which we currently don’t utilize, can become a tool or “social network” among our community.
With the new revisions, anyone interested can stop by and setup their own account and customize their profile information such as avatar, bio, and login information. Registered users may also interact in the Forums on the website. Since I find myself busy a lot just about the time of the month that we are supposed to send out RSVP’s for the next month’s meeting, hopefully I can setup a few more people from within the group as admins to help manage the website. Click on the screenshot below to visit the website…
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