I have been doing a little bit of research lately on podcasting. I am in the process of putting together a major revision of my Church’s website, www.thechurchalive.org. One of the things we started doing this past year after the last revision was to place our weekly sermon audio files on the web for download. At first I tried to keep everything up to date with the itunes xml file but it just got to be way too much trouble so one of the things on the top of my list this time around is podcast automation.
I had also been giving a lot of thought to using WordPress as the Framework for our next site upgrade. It already brings a lot of plugins to the table that I would have to otherwise write myself to make things work so I knew going into this that I was likely going to be leaning toward WordPress. After doing a little research I found that there is a pretty big trend out there with Church’s using WordPress as their backend framework. One of the reasons I have found is that it’s really easy to handly podcasting! Here’s an article I found on Codex about podcasting with WordPress: Podcasting « WordPress Codex.
This revision to the site is likely going to take me another week or two so I will probably be blogging again on other parts of the project and working within the WordPress Framework in the near future….
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