My partners and I are going to be launching a new NASCAR Themed Blog site in the very near future, I thought that I would post a preview of the site here first as a preview of what’s to come. This project is the first standalone website that my partners and I are launching as an online property for Pleth. Typically we only develop projects for our clients but when the opportunity came our way to get involved with this project for ourselves as a sideline investment we couldn’t turn down the opportunity.
I am pretty excited about the project because as many of you already know, next to Web Development my other passion is NASCAR! It’s nice to be able to combine to two into one product. We will simply manage the Blog in-house as we build readership and a strong user base. Our plans are to monetize the project in the near future for research purposes to assist our clients who have expressed an interest in monetization through social networking sites and blogs.
The Nascar View website is basically a NASCAR news portal setup in the form of a Blog that welcomes community interaction and user generated content. At this time we are pursuing several die-hard NASCAR fans that have expressed an interest in contributing to the Nascar View project. We will hopefully launch the project in a few weeks, I will post another entry here when it’s launched.
Sections of the Blog will include Driver News, Team News, and Race Reviews. There will also be a section of the website that caters to the Nascar Collector Community that has grown to epic proportions since Nascar’s rise in popularity over the past decade. Another section of the site that we expect to be very popular is the Hot Helmet’s section. This section of the website is dedicated to tracking Driver Feuds as they evolve both on the track and off the track. We also plan to keep Nascar View Subscribers abreast of the latest gossip surrounding their favorite drivers and teams as well.
Upon it’s launch, subscribers to the Nascar View have the opportunity to get email or rss updates whenever new content is added to the website, and of course the public is invited to post their comments to the site as well, we are looking for a high level of user participation.
Nascar on TV is another section of the site that we feel will be very popular as well, it’s not hard to find a schedule of the 2008 season online but it can be quiet a challenge if you are looking for television listings for upcoming races, we plan to serve this need as well.
As I mentioned, the Nascar View website is stil in it’s beta stages at this time but stay tuned for updated info about the site and it’s possible release date. To preview the beta version of the website: Nascar View. The entire website is built upon the popular WordPress Blogging Platform and our editors use Windows Live Writer to maintain it’s content.
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