This is a small utility / script that I put together that allows administrators of a website or intranet application to easily add documents such as .pdf files to an online listing that can be accessed by visitors to their website or users on their corporate intranet. I have a few solutions like this one out there running for clients already and it’s pretty handy, especially if the client just needs to post documents. This script is highly customizable and I can make it do almost anything a client could want. Right now I have it setup to display documents with the following fields: Title, Description, Date, Category, and the actual file itself as an upload. For sorting purposes I could have the display page sorted however the client wanted on the front-end, for the sake of this post I have sorted the documents by date.
Inside the script I have also added an area where additional administrators can be added to assist in managing the document library. For the existing administrators I have also included a forgot password feature that will allow users to have their passwords emailed to them in the event they forget or lose them.
To test out this piece of software’s admin area, please visit my demo:
username: demo
password: demo
To view the sample output that website visitors or non-administrators on your intranet would see it, click on the links I have provided below: (you will not need a username or password to view this page, you may also want to logout as the administrator (demo/demo) prior to looking at the public view page in order to get a better understanding of it’s capabilities.
Not only is this small script available as a standalone application for your website or intranet solution but it can also be bundled with other scripts we have written or anything custom that we develop for your project. For more information about this script or to talk to Pleth Networks, LLC regarding your project, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
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