I will be doing a presentation titled ‘Making WordPress Profitable for Agencies / Design Firms‘ during Wordcamp Fayetteville this year, which is taking place on July 30, 2011 in Fayetteville, at the Donald W. Reynolds Center for Enterprise Development. If you haven’t registered already, there is still time, the price for general admission is $35 and you can click here to register online.
The people in charge at #WCFay asked me to do a short blog post or teaser so that those attending the conference will have a heads up as to what my talk will be about. In short, it’s all about making money. I could just leave it at that and feel pretty confident that I have proposed a topic that will be of interest to everyone there, but I will take it a step further. This discussion is going to more or less look at our industry from a business owners perspective and why I feel like WordPress is the most powerful tool we have in our arsenal today. I will also share some tips that can help your agency or firm become more profitable during a down economy…
I am looking forward to this discussion. Here’s a few teaser slides from my presentation…
This should be a fun presentation, hope to see you there!!
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