The newest build of PHPR (phprunner) is now available for download on Xlinesoft’s Forums. This build, #348, is 4.2beta release. In this release it looks like they have fixed a couple of issues that were looming with 4.1 like the issue with the default project folder in Vista that plagued me for a little while until I got it figured out w/ their help. Also, the Visual SQL Editor is updated as well.
Scheduled to be implemented in the very near future on this project are CAPTCHA, complex password validation, registration verification by email, and the new PDF Export (view and Print Pages) that basically captures data on a page and shoots it out to a PDF file. The ability to export data to a PDF already exists but not in this manner. The final version with these implementations is scheduled to be out the end of this month (february 2008).
For reference, I am posting info from past PHPR builds on here so that there is a semi-complete list of features listed here for the product.
Version 4.1 – September 18, 2007
- New events/extended list of parameters available in each event
- Inline Add/Edit on the list page. Add/Edit multiple records at once. Inline Add/Edit use the same input controls that appear on regular Add/Edit pages. All BeforeAdd/AfterAdd/BeforeEdit/AfterEdit events are supported by inline functions. Totals will be recalculated after new record is added or edited.
- Security enhancements
– Admin user is implemented as an Admin group which allows multiple admins
– Separate OwnerID for each table- New, nice looking layouts
Default, Amsterdam, Rome, Paris, Madrid, and London.Version 4.0 – May 21, 2007
- Reports (outline, stepped, align, block and tabular layouts)
- Charts (line, pie, doughnut, horizontal/vertical bars, 3D charts etc.) We use Flash-based charts developed by
- Business templates and visual themes
- AJAX-based functionality (Google-like auto-suggest feature on basic and advanced search pages,
– AJAX-based dependent dropdown boxes mean faster page load
– mouse over link to Details to see detail records without proceeding to the details page
– “Lookup wizard as Edit box” feature – edit box with autosuggestVersion 3.1.1 – February 8, 2007
- Generate thumbnails for uploaded images. List/View pages will display thumbnail with a link to full size image. Thumbnails are supported for both database-based and file-based images.
- More Rich Text Editors support: Basic RTE (, FCKEditor, Innova Editor (
- Export to PDF.
- Print/export selected records
Version 3.1 – October 9, 2006
- WYSIWYG visual editor. Tweak visual appearance of any page with easy to use editor.
- New Custom “View as” type. Use any PHP expression to display data the way you need.
- Frontpage publishing
Version 3.0 – February 25, 2006
- Events. Ability to call some PHP code before or after record is edited, deleted, added etc. Modify values before they written to the database, say “no” to record deletion or update, send an email with new data etc.
- Wizard for new database/tables creation
- Multiple table aliases. Generate several views for the same database table
- Encode passwords in database (optionally)
- Add new items to database-driven drop-down boxes and listboxes on the fly
- More search modes (and-or search, not search)
- Major UI redesign. Quick switch between database tables on any page
- Common header and footer on all pages. Put file named supertop.php to include folder to make it appear on the top of every generated page
- Multiple records per row layout
- Template Editor
Version 2.0 – June 9, 2005
- Postgre, Oracle, MS Access, MS SQL Server support
- Built-in FTP Client to upload PHP pages to the Web server
- User self-register page, password reminder, change password pages
- Multilingual templates. Ability to choose language while logging in
- Use drop-down boxes, date-pickers, checkboxes on the Advanced search page
- Allow direct links to Edit, Add, Search results page
- Display “Please wait” message while search results page is loaded
- Copy a record function
- Tables menu on the list page. Allow to reorder tables in the tables menu
- Multiple ORDER BY fields
- Case-insensitive search
- List boxes allow multiple selection
- Linked dropdown boxes, filtered dropdown boxes, dropdown boxes with custom display
- Upload files to the folder on the Web server. Use Edit as type “Document upload” and View as type “Document download” or “File-based image”
Version 1.1 – December 5, 2004
- Easy to use wizard-like interface
- Generates 100% pure PHP code
- Number of search modes, advanced search
- Add, view, edit, and delete pages, sort data
- Master-detail tables relationship support
- Database images displaying and upload
- Password protected access to your database
- Data validation on the edit page (email, number, date, credit card number, ZIP code, US state etc.)
- Export results to Excel, Word, XML, CSV
- Advanced security settings (allow users to edit their own data only, admin user, guest login, group based permissions)
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