I haven’t blogged about PHPRunner in a while because I have just been too busy I guess, but I still use it exclusively now for PHP Development. The last two builds they have been released have been awesome! The newest SQL editor console that is built in is a welcomed enhancement for sure. The reason I am posting this entry though is because I have ran across yet another time saving component that I thought I would share now that I have my mind around it, thanks to Jane from Xline for making it clear to me…
When I build a project for a client that is a pretty common project that I see myself potentially reselling to another client down the road I would usually go in and replicate the database tables and edits through the visual editor to the smarty templates in order to make the project generate my code based on another similar project I had built. Now I don’t have to.
Let’s say that I take my Real Estate Solution that I just released, Powersite Real Estate CMS v1.0. It’s robust, does exactly what the end users want it to do. I have had two real estate companies work closely with me in putting together this software and I know it’s pretty feature rich, not saying I won’t add to it down the road but for now it’s great. Well, with the latest builds of PHPR I have the option to save the project as a template. That’s right, a template, and the best part is that it serves the purpose that you are probably thinking. I just have to go into PHPR and find the “powersite real estate cms v1.0” template and load it in PHPR and then configure my FTP and DB settings and then whoolah, Generate my code and publish. It’s all done. Of course there might be some tweaks here and there that have to be put in place to meet the clients specific needs but for the most part the remainder of my work will be spent editing the CSS for the project to match the clients design. This is a much welcomed find for me! I am planning on finding out how portable these templates are as well by making a few available on here for download and get some feedback from others in the community.
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