A while back my partners and I were consulting with a client as to how they could drive more traffic to their website and increase awareness of their product. We made a few suggestions to them at the time and I had it in my Outlook to follow up today to see how well some of these strategies had paid off for them, this is more or less a case study / testament to what a Facebook presence can do for your business…
The client’s product is a Disney Vacation Companion, which is sold as a product download that also has some online tools available to those that purchase the package. Here’s a description from their website:
The Practical Mom’s Disney Vacation Companion will show you how to make the most of your vacation dollars, and the best way to use the available resources to plan from the magical start to a fairy-tale ending in an easy step-by-step way. Staying organized is key and with over two dozen colorful information charts and worksheets included it’s simple, but that’s not all, in addition you will have access to exclusive Members Only interactive planning tools.
Prime Example of Building Brand Awareness
One of the things that we did for them was to setup a Facebook page for their product, you can find that page here. Initially my business partners and I were the initial fans of this product but as I was looking today, the products popularity and brand awareness has grown exponentially since we launched this page for them just a few short months ago. Their current Facebook fan base is at 3,416 people…
Prime Example of Client Interaction
Now, even more than the brand awareness that our client has gained by having a presence on Facebook, there is also the factor as to how much dialogue they have been able to have regarding their product, and that is also quite considerable…
Here is a good scenario; Imagine you own a bricks and mortar business. There are a couple of factors that are a given. One, to sell your products, you have to have customers come inside the doors of your business so that you can introduce them to your products. Being on the web is no different, however, if you have a website, you can equate your location of a bricks and mortar business to being inside the largest, most complex shopping mall ever created.
Two, people don’t just walk in and grab a widget from the shelf and head to the cash register, you have to first exchange a dialogue w/ them and “sell” the product. A standard website or e-commerce solution doesn’t allow you to do this right off the shelf, but having a presence on Facebook, can give you that opportunity, see the example screen grab to the right…
Just the Tip of the Iceberg…
Having a presence on Facebook as a business or product page is just the tip of the iceberg. Facebook has some pretty advanced advertising programs that allow you to promote your page or brand to targeted users. Without going into a lot of detail, there are ways to drill down and target only the users of Facebook that you think would be interested in your products or services.
If you are interested in learning more about how having a Facebook Presence for your business can increase your brand awareness, don’t hesitate to contact my partners and I and we will be happy to discuss your social strategy in more detail…
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