I just wanted to post an update about our next Central Arkansas Refresh meeting which will be held on Tuesday, May 26 at The Flying Saucer in Downtown Little Rock (see the map below for directions). Our meetings are held downstairs, when you walk in the front door walk into the main dining area and look to your right, you will see a doorway leading to the dungeon, that’s where we can be found…
This next meeting we are going to have Daniel Spillers from UALR’s web team on hand to discuss WordPress Development and Kelly Griffin is going to discuss blog monetization and how we should all be making money from our posts! It should be a very informative meeting with a lot of good dialogue. I would think that anyone who has a website could benefit from both of these topics. Also, for those of you in our Facebook Group, David Kinkade is going to be sending out the event notification soon. Since I have a tendency to forget to send these out until a week beforehand he has volunteered to manage that for us…
In only a short period of time our group has continued to grow in attendance at each meeting. Presently our Facebook Group is closing in on 100 members! If you missed last month’s meetup you missed out on Darren Huckey’s presentation on Drupal which everyone enjoyed, click here for his presentation slides. Also, Brant Collins spoke for a few minutes about the Innovate Arkansas project and how they are helping tech startups around the state, I know that there were several people in the group that are already utilizing their services.
Several members of our community have also stepped up to help out in a couple of key areas and I wanted to be sure to thank a few of them, and trust me I know that I am leaving some folks out, sorry it’s been a busy week!
- Steaming Video from the Meetings (thanks to Rob McBryde)
- Presentation Slides on Slideshare (thanks to Keith Crawford)
- LinkedIn Group Formed (thanks to Bryan Jones)
- We have a Twitter (be sure to follow @refreshca)
- Brant Collins is now our official A/V Guy so we are operational for presentations, etc.
Next Meeting : Central Arkansas Refresh Group
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