I don’t know about you, but I’m excited to put 2018 behind me and get a fresh start on 2019. I was driving through Arkansas and Mississippi this week and saw several unharvested fields of cotton and soybeans. I’ve also seen more ruts this season than past years, putting a lot of people behind the eight ball in preparation for 2019 planting. My sincere thoughts and prayers go out to everyone that has encountered these challenges last season.
For me personally, 2018 ended on a pretty sobering note. I found out before Christmas during a routine heart stent that I was going to have a much more complicated procedure after the first of the year. I only shared this with a handful of family, friends, and co-workers because I’ve been frustrated by the fact that I haven’t taken very good care of myself over the years. Fortunately, I had the procedure last week, it was a success! I’m back at work and feeling better each day. I’m an optimist, and try to find the good in things when I can, and in this case it has given me a new perspective on what’s important… as well as a renewed interest in eating right and exercising. All of this to say, it’s really nice to get a “do over” when things don’t turn out the way we had planned, and I think a lot of growers are looking at this growing season in much the same way.
Looking ahead to the 2019 season I’m spending a lot of time on the road meeting w/ growers like yourself and finding ways Farmers Business Network can add even more value to their operations. With that being said, I would really like to schedule some time to sit down w/ you. Is there a good time that works for you? We have a lot of exciting things happening at FBN, please take a few minutes to scan the rest of this email to see some of the things we’ve been working on. I’m looking forward to hearing back from you! Oh, and be sure to add February 19th to your calendar, you will not want to miss our FREE FBN Mid-South Summit, see box below for more information!
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