To ensure that all of our users have the best security possible, we are changing the password requirements for our business class email solutions from Pleth. While we are not forcing everyone to update their passwords immediately, we are encouraging our users to update their passwords for better security. If you’d like to change your credentials now you can, simply login to, click settings, click change password…
As of September 26th, 2009, all of our users will be held to the following standards when changing their passwords: (Passwords cannot contain:)
- Less than 6 characters.
- 3 or more consecutive numerals (e.g. 567, 9876).
- The word "password".
- The mailbox user name.
- The mailbox domain name.
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- If you are still managing your email in-house and fighting the battle day to day, and all of the frustrations that go along with managing email, users, security, etc., take a look at our email outsourcing solutions…
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