Okay, so we decided at our last Central Arkansas Refresh meeting that we were going to hold our monthly meeting a week earlier in November due to the holidays. Our meeting date is November 17th (which is the 3rd Tuesday), so please help spread the word about this…
Since the topic that we have all pretty much agreed upon is going to be Google Wave the idea has been tossed around that we do a group or panel demo of the product for the benefit of those that have not had an opportunity to play with it yet. I think that this will also give those of us who haven’t spent a lot of time in Wave an excellent opportunity to pick up on some of the advanced functionality from those within the group that have spent some time with it.
What I have been kind of wrestling with is how do we do a group type demonstration like this? Do we station people w/ laptops at each table and just have people gather around? I am thinking that this is probably the best approach, but am open to suggestions…
Also, given the fact that there are still a lot of people waiting on their invites, and haven’t had an opportunity to really get up to speed w/ Wave, I think it would be worthwhile for maybe someone in our group (that has some experience w/ Wave) to give a 5 minute overview of what we are looking at, any volunteers?
I am really looking forward to this meeting, I think it’s going to be highly interactive, not to mention showcasing an emerging technology that is exploding on the scene, which is a the reason we do these meetings in the first place. Okay, so…
- What are your thoughts on the meeting format?
- What are your thoughts on having a moderator or 2 to navigate us through the demo?
- Anyone interested in being a Moderator?
Of course I like the idea(i did suggest it at one point i think after all)
I think we have one laptop hooked to a projector, for all to see, and then several on laptops in on the wave. Someone as a moderator is a great idea to try to explain some of the ins and outs and what all is going on. I think the wave could be created real time and invite others to join as it is happening. I'd be more than happy to serve as a moderator if needed.
That would be awesome! I actually had you and Alex in mind if you were interested, I see the two of you are rocking-n-rolling with it already.
Looking forward to this one but not sure how it should be conducted. What about a projected online demo while those in the room with laptops interact with it? Anyway, I hope to walk away better informed.
Now that I can see what others commented I have realized my redundancy…again
Lol, not a problem. I agree, I hope to get up to speed w/ Google Wave at our next meeting. I have seen Greg and Alex use it almost daily, so I know they have an awesome grasp of it.
By the way, I don't think I got to say hi in person last night, but enjoyed your presentation…
Initial Demo, two browsers signed in to 2 different wave accounts to show the basics of the platform and then we can do a group session where we explore and postulate over proposed uses and problems.
Yeah, we for sure don't want to just start throwing things up on the front end, it could discombobulate a newbie! LOL
I can help too if you need another collaborator/presenter. I also have a few Wave invites left that I'd gladly share with anyone who needs one. My last 2 went out about 4 days later.
That's another good idea, maybe we can facilitate getting invites to those who are needing them.
I also have a couple of invites I could share with some people. It'll be my first meeting, too! 😀 I can also help with an overview. I feel pretty comfortable with Wave.
Hey Ethan, looking forward to meeting you at you at the meeting, and thanks for offering the invites, I am sure we can find some folks needing them.