As we go through life we go from season to season. These seasons are not like what you think in the traditional sense, they are just encapsulated periods of time where you have a specific circle of friends, live in a different city or have a career in a particular industry for a period of time, etc. Some seasons are definitely better than others. Enjoy the good ones… hurry through the bad ones…
I can promise you that there’s nothing that can prepare you for hitting your 50s and seeing your circle of friends grow apart for various reasons, experiencing loss of a parent, the inevitable mid-life crisis, depression, etc. Aside from the emotional and mental aspects of aging, there’s also the inability to physically do things you think you should be able to do.
I’m figuring out that it’s up to me to replace or rebuild the things that are missing in my current season and that I’m the only one that can do it. It’s even harder than it sounds…
I’m going to get back to blogging again soon in hopes that maybe some of the things I put out there might help the next guy and also in hopes it will be a creative & therapeutic release for me… just a heads up, some of it is going to be pretty transparent and real world. Stay tuned…
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