I had another developer inquire over the weekend as to what MySQL GUI Tools I used / recommended. Honestly I spend 80% of the time inside my IDE (phpr) so I don’t often reach for any other GUI tools becuase PHPR has a MySQL modeling tool built in that acts a lot like a wizard, for lack of a better word, but occasionally when the need arises I will use MySQL Administrator or the MySQL Query Browser.
Both of these tools are readily available for free on the dev.mysql.com resource site, here is a Link to MySQL AB :: MySQL GUI Tools Downloads where all of these tools can be downloaded for free and ran. Please note that when installing MySQL administrator on my test box I ran into some issues but I think that the issues were related to my OS installation on the box.
hi guys, i am usind SQLyog since a long time which has made backing up MySQL databases far easier than using the CLI interface. Its layout and UI is also a tremendous improvement over the Administrator GUI from MySQL AB themselves. i was suggested by few of my collegues. u should also go with this. h ighly recommendable.