This weekend I took the opportunity to play with MySpace Profile 2.0 and I have to admit it’s not half bad. MySpace is still a far cry in terms of social networking compared to Facebook in my opinion but the innovations that I have seen in Profile 2.0 could help it earn a little bit of my respect.
All along I have had two primary gripes regarding MySpace, one was that there was no really good way to plug in your blog’s RSS Feed into your profile to syndicate your content across the social network but a good friend pointed out to me the RSS Reader Application this weekend that turned out to do just the trick for me. Here’s a link if you are interested in trying this out on your own profile. This has been an area where Facebook had the market cornered in my opinion. Of course to most avid MySpace users, having their blogs content syndicated isn’t nearly as important as blaring Marilyn Manson to visitors of their profile pages so this probably explains why it took so long to catch my attention.
The next thing that caught my eye about MySpace Profile 2.0 was that the layout was considerably more attractive out of the box than the first version. Of course, I am talking out of the box, and that’s certainly not implying that the heavily customized profiles their users tweak out with giant butterflies and multi-colored unicorn themes aren’t nice too!
I did have some issues out of the box getting the RSS Reader to work with Profile 2.0 and it took some hammering around to finally get it to display on the public side but after deleting the music player and a few other modules it finally showed up.
All in all, I think that Profile 2.0 is probably a vast step in the right direction for MySpace but in terms of it’s value in comparison to Facebook I still have to lean toward Facebook! Oh, and be sure to click on my profile link below if you want to check out Profile 2.0 (
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