I haven’t ever been a huge fan of Yahoo or anything they have ever introduced w/ the exception of Del.icio.us, which is a social bookmarking service similar to Digg or any other social bookmarking service but a lot more organized and simplified. You can see my delicious page here. Well, I learned today on Mashable that Yahoo was planning to kill delicious. Honestly I can think of about a hundred other things that Yahoo could pull the plug on before Delicious, one of them being “search” but no one called to ask me about it.
Long story short, since I am a Picasa fanboy and could care less about Flickr I can pretty much live out the rest of my days completely Yahoo-less. By the way, if you are upset about the Del.icio.us departure I recommend checking out Diigo, which is a very similar service that Keith Crawford turned me onto a while back. It performs very similarly to Delicious and you can import your info from Delicious.
I know Yahoo’s reason for dropping Delicious but it looks like to me they could have at least made it available as a premium service or possibly tried to monetize the thing so those of us that have become embedded could have continued life as normal. Just goes to show you that Yahoo is a wacky outfit…
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