Update: I just wanted to post an update regarding my Audi TT Roadster and also wanted to thank Berndt (from Germany) on his suggestions that I passed along to my service manager at our last meeting. The bottom line is that I am going to go into my 4th weekend without my TT Roadster, it is still at Parker Audi’s service department. My wife and I were in LR earlier this week and I had the opportunity to meet with Ben, their service manager, and Robert, their master technician, and got a little better information as to what is going on. In fact, they gave me a demonstration using their sophisticated equipment to demonstrate the power draw on my car’s battery.
Basically what happens is that when I turn the key off in my car, it should go to sleep in about 15 seconds, and subsequently stop drawing power from the battery but it’s not. There is something inside the car that is drawing power, and to find out exactly what that is requires removing or unplugging each component that draws power from the battery individually to locate where the draw is coming from. It was hard for me to look at this awesome sports car w/ the italian optic leather seats sitting there stripped of it’s radio, cd changer, etc. but I know that this is what it’s going to take to pinpoint the problem.
As some of you might recall I vented my frustrations about this a week ago when I went to pick up the car after replacing a $600 door latch after being told that that was the culprit and it wouldn’t start. Well, since that time I have had a few people ask me why I am not fuming over the whole situation and I have to share with them that the guys at Parker Audi have been going above and beyond the call of duty to get my car back to me. Part of this is due to the fact that we are good customers and have been for a long time, this is not my only Audi, and I have sent them business in the past but this is not the entire reason, the Parkers just run a class act operation with their Audi dealership. Not only have they given me full use of one of their A4 loaner cars but they have also filled it up with Gas for me when I visit. I was also informed by Robert the last time we met that he wasn’t charging me for the time that he was spending on the car now either and expressed his sincere apologies that I was still without my prized toy. It’s hard to put a price tag on service like that…
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